Cities are hubs of prosperity, diversity and dynamism that offer opportunities to build inclusive societies. Yet, as the rapid pace of urban transformation across the globe disrupts communities and established orders, cities are on the frontline of many pressing global challenges such as inequality, climate change and demographic shifts. Decent and affordable housing is the bedrock upon which to build inclusive cities, climate-savvy and inclusive economies for all.

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Cities are hubs of prosperity, diversity and dynamism that offer opportunities to build inclusive societies. Yet, as the rapid pace of urban transformation across the globe disrupts communities and established orders, cities are on the frontline of many pressing global challenges such as inequality, climate change and demographic shifts. Decent and affordable housing is the bedrock upon which to build inclusive cities, climate-savvy and inclusive econo mies for all.

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Maria supports leaders of global organizations to undertake agenda-setting research, challenge and redesign housing policy, improve urban governance, and to increase affordable housing provision and inclusiveness of cities globally. 

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